EDD escapes school for team bonding activity : Photo of the Day 11/27/18

EDD Team successfully escapes Excalibur room.

by Catie Jo Tansey, Editor

On November 27, students enrolled in Engineering Design and Development next semester went to ClueIQ for a field trip. The purpose of this field trip was to develop strong team bonds among members to prepare for the spring semester capstone project.

At the escape room, teams were paired together. One set of teams went into Blitzkrieg, another went into Conspiracy, and the last went into Excalibur. Each room had a different objective. For example, the team in Excalibur was tasked with figuring out clues to eventually pull a sword out of stone.

These rooms were very difficult. Students only had around an hour to complete their room. Students needed to use time management, and problem solving: both skills needed for EDD. However, if students were stuck, they could ask for a clue. 

Senior Charlie Rasmussen said, “I was in Conspiracy. Conspiracy was really hard, there were clues given just to throw us off.”

Overall, teams worked very well together. Many students felt they worked better as a team than they had expected. Every team escaped. Conspiracy escaped with only 48 seconds left. 

Engineering Design and Development, the last Project Lead the Way course, is a project based course. At the start of the school year, students taking EDD are placed in the same PREP class in order to begin preparing. During first semester, while the course isn’t in session, students created teams and begin the brainstorming process of the project. The project is to design a new invention, or innovate an old one.

In order to prepare for the rigors of the course, taking time to develop important relationships within teams is very important.

Senior Jake Santis said, “I think going to the escape room was not only fun, but brought me closer to my team.”

Senior Dominic Barbagallo said, “I think the field trip went well. I thought our team would argue more than we did. We also didn’t have anyone that just took control. We worked together seamlessly.”

ClueIQ is open 7 days a weeks in Downtown Frederick for public and private parties. The cost is $31 a person.