Give the gift of life for an endangered animal

Grace Gaydosh

Students voted on which animal they wanted to adopt.

by Grace Gaydosh, Managing Editor

On December 7, senior Emily Sedgwick presented a PowerPoint  on adopting an endangered animal in Mrs. Samira Diggs’ AP Psych class. Sedgwick was inspired to take action after learning these animals are close to extinction.

According to Psychology Today, humans have an unconscious connection with animals, especially mammals. When humans are shown images of their most beloved creatures, they are reminded of their existence and assume they are protected. However, as researchers point out, unless those images are associated with threats, we may not even think about the possibility that the existence of these animals is jeopardized.

Her goal is to collect at least $55 to donate to the World Wildlife Fund of Nature. If her goal is reached, she will be able to receive prizes like a plush stuffed animal, a photo frame, an adoption certificate, a species card, and a gift bag. Sedgwick has collected $57 as of December 18.

Classmate Myah Davies said, “It was a really moving presentation.” Davies donated $5.

Students in the class voted for which animal they would like to adopt, and the majority was the Sumatran rhino.

The Sumatran rhino, originating from Indonesia, is the smallest of the living rhinoceroses and weighs 1,300 to 1,700 pounds. Their diet consists of a diversity of tropical plant species. The rhino is critically endangered with approximately 300 individuals remaining.

Donating helps create a safer world for wildlife. Donations will support WWF’s conservation work around the globe. WWF’s spending is directed to worldwide conservation activities.

Sedgwick said, “I was genuinely upset about the negative impact people are making on the planet’s animals and how our selfishness and greed has led us to poaching these beautiful creatures, and I took action. I knew if I developed a well constructed PowerPoint, it would make students act on the issue and want to help.”

The more she researched the issue and watched videos of how the animals interact, the more interested she became.

“That’s when I decided to develop something that could be presented to all classrooms to help out the critically endangered animals represented on the PowerPoint,” said Sedgwick.

If you would like to donate, a donation jar is in Mrs. Diggs’ room in A225. You can also email Emily at [email protected] with any questions. She will be accepting donations until December 21. Even a dollar makes a difference!