Activity fair promotes opportunities for the 2017-2018 school year: Photo of the Day 9/11/17
SGA president Jack Dubro talks with French Honor Society president Sophia Schuller and vice president Olivia Hubble about joining their club.
September 11, 2017
The activity fair kick-started the extracurricular portion of students’ lives during all lunch shifts on Monday, September 11. The purpose of the fair is to inform students about clubs and opportunities that they can get involved with during the school year.
SGA, one of the school’s largest clubs, deals with all student-run events. It is involved in activities such as Homecoming, Prom, Relay for Life, Egg Nog Jog, and Candy Cane Lane. A full list of SGA events is listed on their website.
A Google form to sign up for clubs is also listed on the SGA website.
The Extreme Music Club is entering its second year.
Club adviser Mr. Daniel Lake said,“I started the club because I felt like there was a lot of students at Linganore High School that appreciated cool music that didn’t know each other. This club gives them something to enjoy together during school.”
Clubs typically meet on Friday during PREP, during their assigned letter day; A,B,or C. Honor societies also meet on club days.
Sophia Schuller, president of the French Honor Society, said, “I like it because not everyone is available after school, especially people who can’t drive.”
With over 45 clubs to choose from, everyone can find something to do!