PLTW students build compound machines to assist jobs: Photo of the Day 2/21/17
Evan Connelly works on compound simple machine in POE
February 21, 2017
On February 21, Principals of Engineering (POE) students were asked to design a compound machine to assist in three activities in groups of 3 or 4.
Students could make a machine that launches a ping pong ball 3 feet or lifts 2.5 pounds off the ground 12 inches. Using the VEX building pieces and Mr. Patrick Greene’s constraints, groups brainstormed, calculated, and constructed their own compound machines.
The purpose of using compound machines is to limit the effort force a person uses. These machines will limit the use of human input, making the task easier to perform. The project was introduced to the students to tie together everything they have learned in their first unit.
POE student Evan Connlley said, ” Even though we had to do tons of calculations, building the prototype and watching it successfully lift the 2.5 pounds was worth the trouble.”