Hour of Code: Hours of fun and easy for everyone

Natalie Rebetsky

The author participates in the Hour of Code by making an app.

by Renata Farrell, Reporter

Computer Science Education Week was December 4-10. This is when the Hour of Code takes place. Anybody can do the Hour of Code at any time, and it is not limited to just that week. The Hour of Code is a fancy name for hours of computer science fun.

The The Hour of Code is something that students in classrooms worldwide try. According to the Kahn Academy website, where they house many coding activities for all ages, “Tens of millions of students in 180+ countries” participate in this one-hour coding experience.

Here are some of the many reasons that you should take part in this amazing activity:

One easy hour: You should participate in the Hour of Code is because it is a good way to try out something new! It is only an hour, which is not a hardship, and you can have fun doing it. You never know. Maybe you will have a great time and continue coding!

Discover a new talent: You should participate in the Hour of Code is that you can discover a new talent. If you are enjoying the hour, you can complete more activities and explore career opportunities in the computer science field. It is definitely worth looking into.

Instant Results: Most of the coding activities are either games or you make a game. For the activities where you create a game, you can play the game and share it with friends. Some of them you can even make into apps for your phone!

Coding is the future: we are going into a future full of coding. The main reason for this hour is to teach people about coding and to make it fun. Getting more people involved in coding is the only way that the world of computer science can continue advancing. Just to show how popular coding has gotten, on CNN’s top 100 jobs, number one and two are a Software Architect and a Video Game Designer. Both of these jobs are high paying coding jobs! If you enjoy the Hour of Code, these are jobs to look into for the future.

Even math haters have fun: I personally love math and had a lot of fun participating and want to do more, but it is not all math. While I was making my app, I did not know that I was using math. There are many other options when coding than using math. There are many different coding languages and they all are based off of different things. For those who love math, there are some activities and programs that are math heavy, so if you enjoy it, I recommend those. Not everyone is going to enjoy it but they are probably going to have fun because of the cool games that there are to play and make. With some of the games, you cannot even tell that you are coding.

These are not the only reasons that you should participate in the Hour of Code but they are some of the reasons that I participated. Go, join the experience, learn about coding and the future of computer science.