Urbana graduate, Halter joins math department–changes to red and black

Jason Byrd

Halter teaches his geometry class.

by Jason Byrd, Reporter

The math department welcomes Mr. Kenneth Halter, a new geometry and Algebra Ⅱ teacher who marches to the beat of his own drum.  An Urbana high school graduate, he has shed his blue and silver for his true colors, red and black.

Halter began his career student teaching at River Hill High School in Howard County and is now starting his first year of teaching. He says he feels the support from his fellow teachers and students.

In high school, he thought his destiny was to be an architect. After taking a few architecture classes, he realized that wasn’t the path he should decide. He then looked for guidance from his calculus teacher.

This teacher told Halter about how he switched from engineering to teaching. This inspired Halter to do what he was passionate about, math. He went to University of Maryland and earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a one-year master’s degree in education.

A huge part of teaching for Halter is that he wants to be a resource, someone a student feels is approachable. He wants to reach out to students by relating to them and making them feel comfortable.

He says being a teacher is often a, “thankless job.” He loves what he does and where he’s doing it.

“There’s no satisfaction in doing something you don’t want to do,” stated Halter.

In high school, Halter was a part marching band his senior year and all four years in college. It only made sense that he wanted to help with the LHS marching band. Halter said he wished he had gotten more involved in his high school. His advice to students are, “if you have any interest in something, give it a shot. Take a risk. The worst that can happen is that you decide you’re not interested.”

In his free time, he plays the drums and loves all types of music, his favorite being jazz. He supports the UMD sports teams and Baltimore teams. Halter is adventurous so he enjoys the thrills in rock climbing, skiing, and ropes courses.

Mrs Jessica Brunnet said, “Mr. Halter is a great addition to the LHS math department. His students will benefit from his passion and enthusiasm for math.”

Mr. Halter can’t wait to be teaching at Linganore for years to come. We are pleased to welcome an enthusiastic spirit to our school staff.

Fun Fact:  Halter is Mrs. Jennifer Purgason’s nephew.  Math must be in the blood.