Summers Farm celebrates their 20th annual fall festival
People at Summers Farm enjoy the family-friendly atmosphere
October 20, 2016
Autumn is here, and Summers Farm is opening its doors for the 20th season, inviting everyone to celebrate the fall season by participating in many events and activities on the farm at this Fall Festival.
With over 30 different activities to choose from, there is no better way to open up the fall than this old-fashioned harvest festival.
A very popular activity at Summers Farm is the 12-acre cornfield maze that has 2.5 miles of paths, “The corn maze is so fun. It is absolutely huge and was really easy for me to get lost in. That was what made it so thrilling.” said Aaron Davis, a middle school student.
The cornfield maze is divided into different phases, a smaller maze for younger crowds and a larger maze for guests who want to take on the challenge of a maze that has a high chance of getting lost in.
Each year, Summers Farm changes the theme of the popular corn maze. This year, the theme features the Baltimore Orioles! The pathways through the tall corn stalks go in the shape of the oriole bird, and even write out the famous chant “Lets Go O’s!”
But you can’t have fall without pumpkins, and Summers Farm does not disappoint. It has a 15-acre pumpkin patch, making it an ideal place for harvesting pumpkins.
Activities for little kids are endless at Summers Farm. There are two jumping pillows that they will fall in love with hopping on, rubber duck races, giant slides, rides on a pumpkin train, pig races, and so much more.
Jim Starcher, the father of two young girls, said “I think that the activities offered at Summers Farm meet my younger daughter’s age group more than the older. It seems that most things there are geared towards younger children.”
However, Madison Starcher, Jim Starcher’s oldest child who is a member of the Class of 2019, disagrees. She said, “There are many activities that I feel can entertain older kids at Summers Farm, such as the hay ride, pumpkin picking, feeding the animals, and of course, the corn maze.
On selective nights, the farm provides live music and fireworks for all guests. Summers Farm also gives you the option of chilling out alongside one of the many campfires.
But as it is with any event, there is always a question of safety, especially when there will be many young children running around. Jim Starcher said, “Summers Farm seems pretty safe for small kids to me, as long as an adult stays with their young child or close by, and never leaves them alone in the corn maze or on the jumping pillows where their could be bigger kids.”
Tickets for admission into the farm are on sale now for a great price, the cost varies depending on the day. On Mondays through Thursdays from 1-7 pm, and on Fridays from 1-4 pm, tickets cost $8.95 for kids and adults, $7.95 for Seniors ages 60 and up, and children that are two years and under get in for free.
Ticket prices from 4-10:30 on Fridays and Saturdays are $13.95 for kids and adults, $7.95 for Seniors ages 60 and up, and children two years and under get in for free. If you would like more information regarding ticket prices at Summers Farm, click here.
Summers Farm is the perfect place to celebrate the autumn season, and the fall festival that has been going on there for 20 years now will not disappoint. “Even as an adult, I will continue going to Summers Farm and have a great time as long as my children want to go.”