Norko book signing at Barnes and Noble raises money for literary magazine

by Olivia King, Reporter

The pen is mightier than the sword. Mr. Damon Norko released his latest novel The Ghost Writer on November 5th 2015. This is one of the many stories he has published.  Norko was featured in the January’s Frederick Magazine Insider, and now Norko is hosting a book fair at Barnes and Noble to promote his book and to help raise money for The Watermark, the LHS literary magazine.

“At first I was a bit awed by the work involved with just an author signing. All I would have to do is show up! But once I got into it, I realized what a great opportunity it was for everyone involved. I get my book signing; LHS gets money; creative writers and poets and actors and performers get exposure and valuable experience in public,” says Norko.

The book fair will take place on January 16th at Francis Scott Key Mall, from 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. The event will include many activities such as poetry readings, dramatic monologues and a guitar performance by Bryce Watson.

Can’t make it to the book fair? No problem.  You can order books online on the same day from  the Barnes and Noble website using the promo code  #11170369, and 20% of the proceeds will go to Linganore.

The Watermark literary magazine is a new and improved website and magazine for Linganore students to express themselves through writing, poetry or drawing.. It’s been a few years since the literary magazine has had a vital following. Editor, senior Jessica Steves has updated the website and added new features. She is looking for more students to help. A new project that she started is the Writing Challenge.

The Writing Challenge is a 30-day January challenge for students and every day a new story, poem, quote or picture will be uploaded.  Lancers will then have to write a story or poem based on that specific prompt.

The Watermark provides students with the opportunity to showcase their writing for their peers. There are a lot of magazines that will accept student submissions and publish them, but The Watermark is Linganore’s literary magazine. It’s exclusively for Lancers. Receiving a validation of your hard work is much more sweet when you receive that validation from people you know. The Watermark is a way to bring writers together at Linganore,” said editor, Jessica Steves.

Go to Barnes & Noble and support Damon Norko and help raise money for Linganore.