ATP encourages social change with their show “Poppy Perspective”

From left to right Jacob Mooreman, Lincoln Robisch, and Lily Johnson rehearse a scene.
January 11, 2016
Each year Mr. Lazarus’ Advanced Theater Production class writes an original show and performs it themselves. This year’s show “Poppy Perspective” is especially unique because the topic of the show was chosen by the governor.
“Poppy Perspective” will be performed on January 13th at 7:00 pm. Admission is FREE.
“This show was commissioned by Governor Hogan’s office because Maryland has some of the highest numbers in the country for heroin and opiate overdose, especially among young people. “Poppy Perspective” is meant to spread awareness and resolve the problem through the youth,” said Abbie Weinel, a student in ATP.
Of the 400 high schools in Maryland, only four schools accepted the governor’s challenge. ATP’s approach to this task involved interviewing survivors of drug addiction and conducting thorough research on opioids and heroin. While researching, they discovered many powerful statistics that will be flashed across the screen during the show to emotionally affect the audience.
Once the initial research was complete, the students adapted those stories for the stage.
“One of the main inspirations for this show is the Richard Carbaugh Foundation. This foundation helps the community in numerous ways by giving money to families to send their children to rehabilitation centers and they hand out medications to stop over dosages,” said Austin Dye, a student in ATP.
The profound impact that all of the interviewees left on the ATP class is the same impression they want to leave on those watching the show. Because “Poppy Perspective” is focused solely on the message, sets will be minimalistic, with only a few chairs and tables used instead of elaborate backdrops.
Costumes will be kept as minimalistic as the sets. However, there is another complication regarding why costumes have been kept simple.
“With costumes we have been careful not to dress like stereotypes of a drug user. By keeping it casual the truth we will be portraying the truth that anyone can be a drug user, no matter what they look like,” said Luke Staley, a student in ATP.
Considering this show’s relevance to the state of Maryland, many high schools have already put in a request to have “Poppy Perspective” come to their school. An official touring schedule hasn’t been announced, but it is certain that this show will continue touring in the second semester.
A second performance of this show will be in the second semester.
“Poppy Perspective” was in the Frederick News Post!