News for Tuesday, November 17, 2015

by Lancer Media

Attention Poetry Out Loud school competitors: Don’t forget there is a dress rehearsal today at 2:30 pm in the auditorium.  Please arrive on time and expect to practice until 5:15 pm.

Attention seniors:  Senior superlative voting forms for the yearbook were distributed yesterday during advisement. Please complete these forms and return to the yearbook inbox outside of room A206 by the end of the day on Friday, November 20th.   Please see your advisement teacher if you did not receive any forms, or stop by room A206.

 Attention all Animals 101 club members:  Please remember to bring your Yankee Candle fundraiser packets, along with sales slips, checks and any money collected, to this week’s club meeting on Wednesday.

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes club is collecting items to send in shoe boxes, as Christmas gifts, to children in need around the world.  Requested items are:  personal items (toothbrush, paste, combs etc.), school/art supplies (no liquids), toys (no toy weapons), candy items (no chocolate).  We will have collection boxes set up during all four lunch shifts the week of November 16-20th.  Please help us make someone’s Christmas special by donating item(s) from the categories listed above, or you may make a financial donation to cover the cost of shipping.  Thank you!

If you have an interest in science, engineering, or math, and would like to earn $3,300 this summer, consider applying for the Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP).  You would spend eight weeks learning to do research in a Department of Navy laboratory, such as the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division or the Navy Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C.  This opportunity is available to students in grades 9-12, including graduating seniors.  Details were provided in a Find Out First, but see any science or math teacher, Ms. Radil-Harris, or Mr. Brown for more information.

Are you interested in marine biology or conservation?  Would you enjoy meeting people from all over the world?  If so, you may want to volunteer at the National Aquarium in Baltimore this summer.  Applications are now being accepted for summer volunteers.  Stop by room C101 to pick up an application.  See Ms. Radil-Harris or Mr. Brown for more information.