News for Thursday, September 17, 2015

by Lancer Media

Today we take a moment to commemorate the creation, ratification, and long lasting effects of our most important founding document, the Constitution of the United States.

Written with great struggle and debate during the long, hot summer of 1787, the Constitution bears the signatures of thirty-nine of forty-two delegates representing 12 states. Our founders approved the new structure of government in Philadelphia, on September 17, 1787.

As the architect of the Constitution, James Madison devised a system of government that separates powers into three branches of government … limits the power of governments through checks and balances … protects our individual rights … and allows for change through the amendment process.

Under our Constitution we have:

  • Ratified 27 Amendments
  • Inaugurated 44 Presidents
  • Sworn in 112 justices to the Supreme Court
  • Convened 114 sessions of Congress
  • Added 37 states to the original 13
  • Fought 7 declared and multiple undeclared wars
  • Survived many economic and governmental crises.

Today we continue to thrive as a nation and set the standard for freedom throughout the world.

As we mark the 228th anniversary of our “experiment in democracy” under the Constitution, we should take a moment to contemplate, and celebrate, the freedoms it affords to us all.

Juniors and Seniors:  There are admissions representatives from many colleges visiting Linganore in the upcoming weeks.  To see who is visiting, go to  NAVIANCE for the entire list.  If you have questions, see  MS. RILEY in Student Services.

Attention Sophomores:  Class rings will be available to order beginning early next week!  Additional information will be announced on Monday.

Attention Sophomores:  Class rings will be available for purchase early next week.  Stay tuned for more information.

The Walkersville High School PTSA is sponsoring a sale at “Cinderella’s Closet”, a ‘like new’ formal wear and special occasion consignment shop.  The sale runs this Friday evening through Saturday afternoon.

Congratulations to the Varsity Volleyball Team on their 3-1 victory over Winters Mill on Tuesday.  Tonight come out and support both our teams as we take on Urbana.