Monday, November 16, 2015

by Lancer Media

Attention incoming NHS members: There will be a meeting and brief rehearsal for induction today at 2:30 p.m. in the auditorium.  Please see Mrs. Sands or Mr. Lake for questions.

Attention seniors:  Senior superlative voting forms for the yearbook will be distributed today during advisement. Please complete these forms and return to the yearbook inbox outside of room A206 by the end of the day on Friday, November 20th.   Please see your advisement teacher if you did not receive any forms, or stop by room A206.

A reminder to all Animal 101 Club members:  Yankee Candle fundraiser order forms are due back to Ms. Burall on Club Day, this Wednesday, November 18th, at our regular club meeting.

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club is collecting items to send in shoe boxes, as Christmas gifts, to children in need around the world.  Requested items are:  personal items (toothbrush, paste, combs etc.), school/art supplies (no liquids), toys (no toy weapons), candy items (no chocolate).  We will have collection boxes set up during all four lunch shifts the week of November 16-20th.  Please help us make someone’s Christmas special by donating item(s) from the categories listed above, or you may make a financial donation to cover the cost of shipping.  Thank you!

Lancers, here’s a chance to spread your love of reading!  The LHS Drama Department is holding a Book Drive through November 22nd. Bring in your new or gently used children’s books to the donation box in the front office, or to the donation box at showings of Elephant and Piggie: We Are In a Play!  All books will go to the Maryland Book Bank in Baltimore.

Congratulations to Micah Hewitson and Michael Belmaggio for medaling at the State Cross Country Championships, running in fourth and twentieth places, respectively. The boys’ team finished eighth out of 24 teams.

Congratulations to Magena Straight and Nicole Muller for their great rides this weekend at the Interschool Horse Show. Magen placed third and fourth in the Junior/Senior Intermediate Division on the flat, and sixth over fences. Nicole brought home fifth and sixth place ribbons in the Freshman/Sophomore Intermediate Division on the flat, and second over fences. Nice work, ladies!