Brennan Nolan Most Likely To… Win the Pulitzer Prize in photography
July 10, 2015
This is the fifth story in Lancer Media’s 2015 summer series: Most Likely to…
These feature stories highlight rising seniors who are becoming role models of Lancer Spirit.
Teens love to snap pictures and videos to keep as memories or to share with their friends online, but Brennan Nolan sees photography as the art form it is.
Nolan has been serious about photography since the end of his freshman year; although, when he was in fifth grade his father taught him how to take videos and his father’s friend taught him how to take pictures.
“Photography is also a huge hobby for my dad,” says Nolan.
Other than a couple tricks and tips from his father, Brennan is self taught. This year was his first year in a photography class, and he plans to take Photography 2 and 3 next year.
Nolan says that his favorite subject to photograph is landscapes,and he also enjoys photographing anything unstaged.
Nolan’s also very into creating videos. He has a channel on YouTube and Vimeo. “Pictures have one idea while videos have a variety and can have many different ideas added to them.”
Nolan has also received Frederick News Post awards during his first two semesters in journalism. He was second place for Best Column Writing-Humor. He received a Best Sports Story award and second place in Best Online Storytelling for his video featured in, “Shredding – The story behind local skateboarding and longboarding.”
When Nolan is older, he aspires to be some type of a writer or photojournalist.
Chris Nolan, Brennan’s father, says that he is proud of his son’s work because Brennan is “finding the inspiration out of an ordinary day.”

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