The People’s Choice: Holiday door competition

by Erin Stewart, Social Media Editor

The “official” judging is complete, but what doors to the students like best?

Lancer spirit, mixed with holiday cheer, is evident on the doors throughout the school.  This is the second year of decorating doors, and competition was fierce. Each door has a unique style that describes each teacher’s interests and creativity. The official door winners are:

Most Creative:  AP Office Area (Mrs. Smith)

Best Winter Scene:  C221 (Mrs. Sands)

Most Festive: C214 (Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Bindel)

Most Original:  B123 (Mrs. Dillon)

Most Realistic: C219 (Ms. Servey)

Best Connected Theme: TIE C210 (Ms. Partner) and A229 (Mr. Hornbeck)

Choose three doors that you like the best.

Then head on over to the poll page to submit your answers.


Julia Peigh