Tartes light up the holiday season: Photo of the Day 12/9/14
Tarte family gets in the holiday spirit by putting on a light show.
December 9, 2014
Located near Twin Ridge, senior Jake Tarte’s family has a light show every holiday season. There multiple light displays including, trains, palms trees, Santas, reindeer, presents, and more. Music matches the lights by tuning your radio to 107.1 FM.
Darrell Tarte said that it takes him about 40-60 hours to just set up all of the lights on and around his house. He starts setting up the day after Halloween. “I have been synchronizing my lights to music for about 6 years now. Much of it was learned by hours of time on the computer. For every 10 seconds of a song, it likely takes me an hour to sync things up. Bottom line, a lot of trial and error.”
From Sunday to Thursday it’s lit from 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm and from Friday to Saturday 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Instead of going out and spending money on a light show, go to Jake Tarte’s fun and festive light show this holiday season!
“Every year, I add a little to my display. I would guesstimate 30,000 lights and counting, over 1500 feet of extension cords and a lot of electrical tape,” said Tarte.
Surprisingly, his electrical bill doesn’t go up at all from the dramatic light show. “When I first started, I decided to go green. Ninety-five percent of my display is LED. Pulls less amps and therefore uses less electric. Believe it or not, we do not see a change,” said Tarte.
There have not been any objections to Tarte’s display from the neighborhood. Tarte said, “When I first decided to do this display, I went to each of my neighbors and told them my intentions of the display. Also that it would likely increase traffic flow. They were all on board- no complaints.”
Tarte uses his light show as a way to give back to the people who supported him through the 2013 program, Teens 4 Tarte, which was organized in support of Tarte after his diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
“My community rallied for me- this is a way that I can give back to the all of them,” said Tarte.