People You Need To Know: Mr. Thomas Kraft, student support
Mr. Kraft in his office
September 29, 2014
This is the sixth profile in Lancer Media’s Back to School Series: People You Need to Know. The staff members profiled in this series were selected because they influence freshmen success
Mr. Kraft helps is part of the Student Services department, offering Student Support. His favorite part of his job is helping other students learn to appreciate school.
“One of the big pieces of my job is to get students motivated.” If a student doesn’t like coming to school, Kraft tries to troubleshoot and find ways to help the student be more successful. He can help them develop study strategies, find clubs, work through class conflicts and more.
He has had experience teaching social studies and science for seven years. Then, he was the HSA coordinator.
Many times when he goes to get a student, the others automatically assume that the student is in trouble. But its actually the opposite. He is helping by reaching out to students to figure out how to be more successful.
He is going into his 9th year of being a head coach for varsity basketball. He feels that this season will be one of the best.
In the summertime he likes to be outside playing golf, and he likes home improvement activities.