Canstruction comes to life!


Sophomore students Noah Ismael and Jacob Butehorn smile for the camera after finishing the sculpture.

by Alyssa Mattison, Reporter

On April 30th, the Class of 2016 built a “Canstruction” using the 1400 cans of food donated throughout the last three months.  After it is disassembled, the food will be taken to the Frederick Food Bank.

Major donors include:  Wegmans, Mr. Tringali’s class, Mrs. Andrex’s class, Mrs. Wiltrout’s class, Ms. Marsha Thompson, the Boy’s Lacrosse team, Girl’s Softball, Girls and Boys Tennis and many students, teachers, parents, and members of the community.

Jacob Butehorn and Matt Watson planned the sculpture and directed a team of students and teachers during the build, which took four hours.  Special thanks to Mrs. Debbie Day and Learning for Life students who volunteered to help the Class of 2016 group.  Class of 2016 officers led the three-month effort, including Noah Ismael, Matt DeMember, Jake Butehorn, and Matt Watson.  Their class advisor is Mrs. Natalie Rebetsky.



Linganore students cover cans with school colors to use in the sculpture.
Linganore students cover cans with school colors to use in the sculpture.
Linganore students work on the canstruction sculpture.
Linganore students work on the canstruction sculpture.