Matt DeMember: Most likely to… be the next star
Matt DeMember takes the stage for the spring musical.
June 30, 2014
This is the third story Lancer Media’s Summer Series: Most Likely to. . . These feature stories highlight students who are becoming role models of Lancer Spirit.
Matt DeMember already had his 15 minutes of fame last year when he made his now famous backwards basketball shot. But when will you see him on tv again? The answer is soon.
Lancer Media predicts DeMember will either be on television accepting his Grammy or Oscar.
If DeMember could spend a whole day in one part of the building, he said he would be in the choir room. His hard work and dedication to singing paid off during the school’s spring musical, Curtains.
On the Saturday night of the show when the sound system failed, the one voice that didn’t was DeMember’s. He began singing, “Show People,” and acted as if the music was still on so that the rest of the cast could join in. Friends and family will never forget that night and will talk about it years from now.
Co-Star Emily Cofer said, “Within seconds Matt started singing, which was such a professional move. It was amazing because when he started to sing, “Show People” it was at the perfect time and at the perfect pitch. After we all got off stage we were thanking Matt and crying.”
Even Lancers who aren’t in theatre know that DeMember is a star. DeMember is an “A” student, taking many AP courses as a sophomore and he was just re-elected class President of 2016. He is also the leader if the FCA and SGA. In the sports world, DeMember is on the swimming and football team.
In many schools the “jocks” and “nerds” don’t always mix, but in this case that isn’t true.
Those who know him praise his ability to participate in many groups, saying, “People are drawn to Matt, “How can you not like Matt?” “Matt has a magnetic personality,” and, “Matt can jump from group to group and fit in everywhere.”
Outside of school, DeMember still shines. He is very involved in his church, Damascus Road Community Church, and is a part of Young Life. He traveled to Nicaragua for 10 days to help children in orphanages and plans to go again this summer.
DeMember’s close friend, graduate Brian Constantine, attends the same church. “Matt is a genuinely good person who doesn’t care about being the star. He just wants to be a part of the show and help others reach their full potential.”
Matt’s advice to everyone is, “Don’t be afraid to take a stand for what you believe in.”