When one thinks of Christmas, the image of pure white snow, decorated houses on every block and Santa comes to mind. This feel-good vibe is known as Christmas spirit. This feeling brings warm cherry smiles to faces and inspires everyone to be kind to one another and embrace the holiday season.
According to Krystal D’Costa writing for Scientific American claims, the true meaning of the Christmas spirit symbolizes “hope and beginnings, knowledge and safety.”
There are also many human qualities that come with embodying the Christmas spirit, such as love, joy, patience and kindness.
When going through difficult times, one’s reactions in those moments could be better if Christmas cheer and the corresponding positivity was kept alive all year long.
There are a few ways one can maintain the Christmas spirit throughout the year. Begin with celebrating typical Christmas traditions like keeping up the Christmas tree year-round.
Katie Haybok, a Christmas-loving Linganore High School student, expressed her opinion that keeping the Christmas tree up all year long is acceptable.
“I don’t see the harm in having a Christmas tree up every month in the year,” said Haybok. “When you look at a Christmas tree wrapped in lights and decorated with ornaments, you get that warm happy feeling. It doesn’t have to be just for Christmas. Instead, it would be another cozy home decor to lighten up the house.”
Just as one might keep indoor Christmas decor all year, keeping outside lights up past the month of December contributes to the festive spirit. It does not have to be seen as solely seasonal decor but can instead be viewed as an elegant way to light up the whole house and make it stand out.
Another holiday tradition that can be accomplished throughout the year is listening to Christmas music. This is, in fact, a popular element of the winter holiday season that people enjoy before December.
According to Scripps AMG, classical Christmas tunes can decrease stress levels, blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels which reduces overall stress. This may be another unrealized benefit of maintaining the Christmas spirit.
For some, Christmas music possesses a classical vibe to be enjoyed beyond the holidays.
“Christmas music is like jazz music,” said Haybok. “It’s smooth and soft, and because of that fact, Christmas music shouldn’t just be listened to during the holidays.”
Along with Christmas music, making cookies with friends and family is a great way to add Christmas spirit to one’s life. Baking naturally improves mood, and picking a night to bake and decorate cookies is a good way to rekindle the warm, happy feeling one would get making cookies for christmas.
No matter the age of the participant, making cookies sparks the same feeling. Why is that?Spending quality time with family and friends decorating cookies may be one of the many highlights of Christmas for many.

Isabella Komoto, a 12-year-old middleschooler, shared her take on baking with friends and family.
“The best holiday tradition is decorating sugar cookies with my siblings, and then we get to eat them on Christmas eve,” said Komoto.
For those who celebrate Christmas, a lot of families make batches of cookies for Christmas and has an enjoyable time doing so. Which just proves families and friends would have the same delighted outcome doing it any other time that is not Christmas.
These suggestions are just some of the ways one can recreate that warm, positive attitude that one may get during theChristmas season.
Patrica Lassen is the manager of a Christmas store that operates all year long. She gives her own advice on how to keep the Christmas spirit year round.
Lassen believes keeping the Christmas spirit is about keeping a positive attitude throughout the entire year. This can be achieved by putting a smile on another person’s face, being kind and unbothered by drama.
Traditions that many do during Christmas, should be done every other season too. Doing those activities would bring the Christmas spirit and help put smiles on others faces including one’s own.