Georgia Enos

Georgia Enos

by Marissa DePalma, Editor-In-Chief

Georgia Enos will be attending Slippery Rock University. She plans to major in biochemistry as well as pre-pharmacy.

She is the chief editor of the yearbook, a member of Mu Alpha Theta, NHS, NEHS, lacrosse, varsity field hockey and is a waitress at Challedon Golf Course.

What has been your favorite memory at Linganore?

“Playing Damascus in playoffs last year and winning–or turning in the final pages for the yearbook and feeling accomplished.”

 What are you going to miss most after graduating?

“Yearbook and all my friends.”

What is the most challenging task as a senior?

“Managing school, sports, working while figuring out where to go to college.”

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?

“What is meant to happen will happen. Don’t stress over picking a college or applying–it’s not that bad.”

Where do you imagine yourself 10 years from now?

“Being a pharmacist with lots of dogs.”

What was the most meaningful assignment a teacher ever had you do?

“The editor note in the yearbook. I had to think about my year and myself and write my final goodbye to yearbook.”

When you look back on this school in later years, what will you remember most?

“My teammates and working on the yearbook and feeling that sense of community.”