Morning announcements: May 11, 2022

by Staff

Wednesday May 11, 2021 

**The LHS 30th Annual Art show is this evening from 5:30 – 7:00, with the  induction ceremony starting at 6:oopm in the cafeteria. Refreshments will be  served. Hope you can make it! 

**A reminder to all students, especially seniors, to make sure all obligations are  fulfilled as soon as possible! Don’t wait to turn in novels, textbooks, or pay lab  fees! Obligations must be fulfilled in order for any transcript requests to be  handled. 

**For any students interested in joining the National Art Honor Society for next  year we will have a meeting on Wed May 19th after school from 2:30 – 3:00 in  A211. Any current member interested in being an officer, we will stay from 3:00- 3:30. It is open to sophomores- seniors who plan on having at least 3 credits of  art by the time they graduate and maintain a 3.0 in their art classes. Students  must have completed 1 art class to join. Please contact Mr. Madenspacher for  further information. 



Yearbooks will be Distributed to Seniors on May 13 during the 

Senior Ice Cream Social–4th block 

  • As long as they were ordered before Jan 28, 2022 they will have their name printed on the front.
  • They must pick up their own book–they CAN NOT pick up a friends or siblings book.  SENIORS ONLY 
  • They MAY NOT be picked up before the Senior Social 
  • Seniors will need to see Mr. Brown in room C103 to pick up yearbooks on May 16 or 17 if  not at the SENIOR SOCIAL 
  • Yearbooks not picked up by the 17th will be distributed during graduation practice Senior Yearbook Sales:

Seniors ONLY may purchase a yearbook during the Senior Social for $85 CASH ONLY, or they may  see Mrs. Bozzonetti in room A206 on May 16 or 17 to buy one. 


Underclass Students are expected to PICK UP their yearbooks during their lunch shift outside the  cafeteria on May 16 or May 17. 

  • If a student is unable to pick it up on those days then they must see Mrs. Bozzonetti in  room A206 anytime after the 17th to pick up their yearbook. 
  • No underclass yearbooks will be available before May 16th to pick up. 
  • If a yearbook is not picked up by the end of the school year then families can stop by the  front office during regular summer office hours to pick up their yearbook. 

END OF YEAR SALES: There may be a VERY LIMITED Supply of Extra Yearbooks for Underclass to  Buy: These will be available to purchase at the end of the school year after the seniors are gone.  Keep an eye out for FUTURE Find Out First with this information in the beginning of June. Please  be sure to PRE-ORDER your yearbook next year so you don’t miss out on the memories!