Morning Announcements: February 24, 2022
March 1, 2022
Thursday February 24, 2022
**Any student taking an AP course, please make sure you sign into your College Board account, or create one if you do not have an account, and join your AP Classroom. See your teacher if you have questions. If you plan to take the AP exam in May, please go to School Cash Online and pay for the exam. Deadline to pay is March 4. Please see Ms. Zietoon or Ms. Cline if you have any questions about paying for the exam.
**Any student interested in playing for the Girls Varsity Tennis Team and who did NOT pick up an informational packet should see Coach Sunkel in Room A139. Tryouts begin March 1st.
**Girls outdoor track season is coming. On Monday, February 28th, there will be a general information meeting for the upcoming season. Interested students can meet at the track at 2:45 pm. The first official day of training will be March 1st. Training will take place at the track at 2:45pm. For further information, please contact Coach Musselman at
**FFA would like to remind you that tomorrow is “Freedom Friday” so wear red, white and blue!!!!!
**Today’s Black History Month” daily trivia question is..: What was the name of the first black regiment recruited during the Civil War?