Spider-Man: No Way Home–No way this actor is the best

Noah Villaverde

The three actors for Spider-Man (from left to right) are Toby Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland.

by Joe Ham, Reporter

After the most recent Spider-Man actor, Tom Holland took the role, the debates as to who the best Spider-Man is made its appearance on social media. It wasn’t something that everyone talked about until… Spider-Man No Way Home was released in theaters.

#Hollandhasnosting  #BetterthanMaguire #Nowayheisspiderman

With great power comes great responsibility,” and I have the responsibility to explain to you who the best Spider-Man is.

Spider-Man is a Marvel superhero with powers that imitate a spider,including walking on walls,  shooting webs, and having super strength. The first movie released in 2002.  Now, 20 years later, the latest movie is out.   These include Spider-Man acted by Toby Maguire, The Amazing Spider-Man acted by Andrew Garfield, and Spider-Man Homecoming acted by Tom Holland.

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The new movie, Spider-Man No Way Home made everyone’s mouth drop, not only because it has old villain characters in all of the past Spider-Man movies, but all three Spider-Men make appearances. Because they are featured side by side, Marvel fans really had a chance to compare who wears the suit the best.

Lancer Media interviewed Marvel fans and the majority said that Andrew Garfield fits the role the best. One of the main reasons is his physical traits.

“Andrew Garfield looks the best, and he isn’t short like the other Spider-Men,” said Jackson Lyons. None of the three is tall: Maguire and Holland are both only 5”7′ while Garfield stands at 5”10′.

A lot of people said that Toby Maguire looks too old to play a high-school superhero and prefer Garfield’s looks over Holland’s. Although Maguire was 26 when he was acting in Spider-Man and Holland was 25, Holland appears much younger.

Looks aside, the acting in the movie and the actors’ personalities also play a big part.

Mack Mullinix said that Maguire showed his emotion more, but Zachary Geoghegan said otherwise.

“Toby Maguire is just too boring and isn’t funny. I find him not as entertaining to watch,” said Geoghegan.

When it comes to Garfield, I think that he has a great personality on screen and outside of the screen. He is always smiling and cracking jokes which makes me want to laugh along with him. He also seams to really enjoy being Spider-Man.

Although Tom Holland had the most average results (not liked too much or disliked too much), his movies are liked a lot more compared to Garfield’s or Maguire’s.

“I really like Tom Holland’s movies. They have the most action and is really entertaining to watch,” said Rachel Ham.