Morning Announcements: November 3, 2021

by Staff

Wednesday November 03, 2021 

**AP Students: Please see Ms. Zietoon in the cafeteria during your lunch shift if  you have any questions about registering & paying for an exam. Reminder that  the deadline to register for an AP Exam is Friday, November 5th. If you register  after November 5, you will need to pay $98 for the cost of the exam and $40  additional for a late registration fee. 

**Any girl who is interested in playing basketball please sign up with Coach  Easterday. Her office is located in the athletic hallway. 

**Anyone who plans on continuing to play their sport at the college level and  wants to participate in signing day please see Mrs. Easterday this week. 

**Slime night has been postponed. Stay tuned for further details coming in  December!!!! 

**Linganore Swim and Dive will be having a pre-season meeting for athletes and  parents on 11/9 @ 7:30 pm in the cafeteria. Also, if anyone is interesting in  DIVING for Linganore please contact Coach Hawkins ASAP (room A221) or email  him at 

**Attention student drivers: The marching band has finished using the front  parking lot for the fall season. Mr. Lloyd and the band would like to thank all the  students who regularly moved their cars after school so that the band could  practice. We greatly appreciate it. 

That’s all the news for today. Have a wonderful day, Linganore!