Morning Announcements: December 8, 2021

by Staff

Wednesday December 08, 2021 

**Calling all writers! Electronically submit your original short story or poetry to  the Young Author’s Contest LHS coordinator, Ms. Troxel, at by today, December 8th, with your completed cover letter. Want more information?  Ask your English teacher for a flyer.  

**The Science National Honor Society will meet this Friday 12/10 during  Prep. The club picture will be taken by the yearbook staff. Members are  reminded that all students need to turn in an application form with their service  hours to Mr. Sunkel by December 15th. 

**Any instrumentalist that wants to sign up for performing in the Pit Orchestra for  this year’s spring musical, Freaky Friday, please sign up outside of Mr. Dye’s  room, D113. 

**Where is the elf today??? Lancer Media is sponsoring a fun game for staff and  students. Each day we will post a photo on our social media and  This photo shows an elf hidden somewhere in the building. You have until  midnight tonight to read the story on the Lance and fill out the Google form for a  chance to win a daily prize! 

Congratulations to Anna Quackenbush who correctly guessed on December 7th  that the elf was hanging out in the dance room. Come to C207 to pick up your  prize. 

That’s all the news for today. Have a wonderful day, Linganore!