Sam Johnson contributes dugout to his community through Eagle Scout Project
December 29, 2020
Junior Sam Johnson, a member of Troop 460, has completed a dugout for his Eagle Project.
The dugout is located in Watkins Park in Mt. Airy.
Johnson said, “Playing baseball as a kid at Watkins Park wanted me to give back to the town with something that I used to be a part of.”
Johnson hopes to earn the rank of Eagle Scout in 2021. “As of now I am not an official Eagle Scout, but I just finished one of my final steps and should be able to have my board of review in late January.”
In addition to extensive planning, the physical build took about a month, finishing in September 2020. As many could imagine, building a dugout is no easy task. Just like any other type of project, there are struggles and setbacks.
The projects total expense was $1,975 with the materials being acquired from Lions Club, Rotary Club, 84 Lumber, Kiwanis Club, Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware, and other friends and family.
“COVID affected the project from everyone wearing masks, to social distancing. With needing lots of teamwork. It was very hard trying to stay 6 feet apart each day.”
“With COVID having a large impact on the economy back in the spring months, costs of materials like wood and hardware went up to almost double what they were before the pandemic,” he said.
Johnson said if he could do it again, he would make some adjustments.
“With the dugout being made for the town, I was making the dugout to match other dugouts around the town, but if I could change something, it would be the fact that it is not enclosed. It is an open dugout, which is good for weather, but not for keeping parents and fans out.”
After Sam officially has earned his Eagle Scout, he plans to remain active with the troop in order to teach and help the younger scouts.