Spirit Week celebrates Disney in honor of Beauty and the Beast musical: Photo of The Day 4/11/19
Sophomore, Ashley Nash dresses up in her Mickey mouse ears for Disney day.
April 11, 2019
On Wednesday, April 10, students around the school dressed up in Disney themed clothes or in costumes of their favorite characters to show their school spirit as a part of spirit week. This was also to celebrate the Thursday opening of the spring musical, Beauty and the Beast. Cast members wore their black t-shirts with the play’s logo.
LHS began spirit week on Monday with hat day, followed by “dress for success” day on Tuesday. Wednesday gave students the opportunity to come to school sporting a fashion they wouldn’t normally wear. Thursday is throwback Thursday where students can choose to dress in the style of older generations. The week ends with Black and Red day. Students are encouraged to dress in lancer colors to show their spirit!
Sophomore Ashley Nash said, “Disney day is my favorite spirit day because I’ve been a fan of Disney since I was little.”
Disney day was fun, not just for students but for teachers as well. Many faculty members participated by dressing up in Disney costumes and Mickey Mouse themed clothes. Math teacher, Mrs. Jennifer Weiss expressed her love for Disney with a Mickey Mouse shirt.
“I love Disney because of how creative it is,” said Weiss. “Everyone can find a Disney character they can relate to.”