Journalist Rusty Ray visits high school home, Lancer Media: Photo of the Day 10/11/19
Rusty Ray and Journalism posing for a group picture
October 12, 2019
On October 4, Rusty Ray, Class of 1998, flew from Minnesota to create a documentary of the marching band’s Alumni Night, where more than 50 former Lancers marched with the band before the game. This was an important event for the band because it marked Mr. Kevin Lloyd’s 25th anniversary leading the marching band program at Linganore.
Ray had two loves in high school: band and journalism. For college, He went to the University of Maryland to study broadcast journalism. After college, Ray went on to work for a WBTW-TV News 13 in South Carolina. In 2016 he moved to his wife’s home state, Minnesota where he now works at North Metro TV as a News Producer.
On the same day, Ray talked to students in Lancer Media.
His told them, “Find a college that allows you to do hands-on stuff. It’s one thing to hear about someone’s experience, but it’s another to actually go out and do. Use every single opportunity given to you if you want to pursue a career in journalism.”
Rusty talked about the stories and projects he has covered during his career.
“My senior year of college is when 911 happened. We had to cover it. We just had to. A terrorist attack happened eight miles from my college; it was a very busy semester for us.”
“I’ve covered scenes of horrific crimes like fires, car accidents, people resuscitated because they were shot, and a stabbing at a gas station.”
Ray told the class about a shooting that happened at his wife’s school that was covered by his television station.
“A man came into my wife’s school with weapons and the intention to spread fear. He could have hurt a lot of people if the resource officer didn’t take action. I don’t know what would have happened. I asked not to read that story on the news because it was my wife. She could have been died.”
After hearing about Ray’s career, students were all excited to hear about his high school experiences.
“It was funny. My mom was a dental hygienist, and one day she had the basketball coach in her office. She was telling him about me and that I am a student at the school he coached at. He asked what I did and offered if I wanted to announce the basketball games. And that’s how I started announcing for the basketball team and then I also started announcing for the boys soccer team in my senior year.”
“I was also on the academic team for two or three years. I was part of the marching band, and I was a reporter for the newspaper. Outside of school, I was involved with my church. I tried to maximize my choices in high school.”
Ray talked about his appreciation for the school and how he was recognized as a Distinguished Graduate.
“This school means a lot to me. I can’t tell you how much it mattered to me to be a Distinguished Graduate. It [the assembly] may be just for the freshmen, but it really shows you can do what you want and be who you want to be.”
“Being in band taught me the value of teamwork, practice, and representing myself and my community. That’s a lesson you take with you forever. It means a lot that Mr.Lloyd allowed me to come and create my documentary. Mrs. Rebetsky and Mr.Lloyd both mean a lot to me,” Ray also said.
Caroline Hobson said, “I really enjoyed hearing his story and hearing about his career. He was a really fun person and I thought we made journalism more interesting.”
Later that night, Ray went on to video the marching band at out Homecoming game. Ray currently is creating the documentary and will announce his project some time soon.