Juniors practice job skills with mock interviews: Photo of the Day 11/14/19
Adrianna Flickinger talks to Donna Dorman from Dorman Home Remdeling.
November 14, 2019
On November 13, students enrolled in the English 11 class, waited patiently in line for their mock interviews. Community professionals and local business owners came to practice with the students in the cafeteria. The interviews prepare the students for job interviews in the future, so they will know what to expect.
Students worked the week in advance by writing resumes, cover letters, and practicing interview questions. They had printed copies at the interview so that the interviewers knew what areas of interest to ask about.
Each student was given a slip with a set time to go to the cafeteria. They waited nervously in line untill Mr. Jeremy Brown , Work Study Coordinator, directed them to a numbered table where a interviewer would be waiting.
“I thought it was a nice experience to have because it will definitely prepare me for a real interview in the future,” said junior Julian Rodriguez.
“Not many schools do this. I think its such a great opportunity. As a recruiter I see so many skill sets when it comes to resumes and cover letters. People that have never done it, really don’t know what to expect, and it’s cool that this school provides it. It’s great practice for the students and even for me too because a lot of times I am interviewing for specifics, rather than just getting to talk to students,” said Stacie Schattenberg from Bright Horizons Family Solutions.
Thank you to all the interview volunteers.
Dr. Zach Baker, Rehab2Perform; Dustin Bangert, United States Army; Donna Dorman, Dorman Home Remodeling; Steve Fennington, Frederick County Bank; Kathy Hall, Sandy Spring Bank; Linda Koons, Carroll Community Bank; Brandon Kreck, United States Military; Sandi Maxey, Sandy Spring Bank; Cheryl McCaull, Sandy Spring Bank; David Reagle, Browning Reagle Insurance; Jennifer Reed, Erie Insurance; Dr. Katie Grosso Rout, Grosso Family Dentistry; Jim Scales, Sandy Spring Bank; Stacie Schattenberg, Bright Horizons; PW Shaffer, Sandy Spring Bank; Scott Sims, Sandy Spring Bank; Grant Wheeler, Sandy Spring Bank; Benjamin Yanike, United States Navy.