English 101 presents final proposals: Photo of the Day 12/14/19
Taylor Biss presents her proposal to have kids wear clear backpacks to school.
December 15, 2019
The English 101 classes had less than a month to prepare for their final paper, the argument of proposal. Along with the research paper, they would need to create a 5-8 minute presentation on an argument that would help make a change or improve something around the community.
The students have been preparing for their final papers since the beginning of the course. They have written four other papers, including an argument of definition, argument of fact, argument of evaluation, and causal argument.
Several final projects included, “Moving Safe and Sane to prom night,” “Why we should abolish daylight savings time,” and “How kids should wear clear backpacks to school for safety.”
The seniors’ presentations had to include a claim, the steps to make it happen, who it would benefit, and why it was important.
In Mrs. Natalie Rebetsky’s class, senior Avé Boghossian-James proposed “Block the Blue,” which explained how blue light can have many negative effects on the human body. She passed around glasses that block the blue light. This can help reduce headaches, improve sleep and avoid obesity, several side effects of exposure to blue light.
“I picked this topic due to the fact that our education system is starting to incorporate the use of technology more and more; however, no one is fully aware of the long term consequences that can occur,¨ said Boghossian-James.
The projects marked the end of the course.