Volunteers critical during holiday season: Get involved!
The COIPP collection box is in the main office. Please consider bringing in some of these items.
December 6, 2019
Volunteering during the holidays is chaotic and heart-warming at the same time. People give their time towards other people (and animals) who aren’t as cherished. This act of appreciation may give others a hope in society. However, non-profit organizations such as food pantries are inundated with people willing to volunteer during the holidays. Teens who are interested in volunteering should plan to commit to more than just the Thanksgiving to Christmas window of time.
Non-profit organizations need much more than just money. Volunteers can be an even greater need at times for them. People are more likely to give money rather than their own time since it’s easier.
Whether it’s high school students trying to gain experience and add to their volunteer hours or an adult looking to do a good deed for the community, people are wanting to volunteer.
Freshmen and sophomores in high school would be more likely to begin volunteering rather than juniors and seniors who are involved in jobs, sports, and the college application process. Now is the time to get started.
Volunteer Match
An app called “VolunteerMatch” is helpful for people who are willing to volunteer. A student can create an account, insert their location and then their interests. The app will give a list of organizations that meet your needs, near you. Someone who likes to work with young children would select those volunteering options while someone who likes to work with animals would pick the animal volunteering options.
Animal Welfare League, Eastgate Shopping Center
Animal Welfare League has seen a decrease in volunteers. “We never have enough people to volunteer for cat care, and it seems that the willing for people to volunteer decreases during the holidays because they probably have plans,” said Sally, who works for the Animal Welfare League.
To most likely insure a spot as a volunteer during the holidays, students would want to start volunteering with the organization months in advance, so you’ll have a more credible appearance than people who just want to volunteer for their organization during the holidays.
In order to volunteer for a nearby animal shelter, you can call them for an interview or email them to ask if they have a need.
Volunteering during the holidays
It may be difficult to find a volunteering opportunity at the holidays because of the minimal need for volunteers. Some people book a year in advance to volunteer at a preferred organization.
Some foundations such as food pantries and soup kitchens may have fewer people serving during the holidays and the reason for that is because some homeless people and people who are socially disadvantaged go to family member’s homes for the holidays instead of being alone.
“The motivation for volunteering is learning of the need in the community. There is a community need at all times, not just during the holidays. Some schools give food to children for the weekends because they are without food when schools are closed,” said Brenda who volunteers at Door Step Mission (a food pantry).
Even though the hours required for volunteering can add to stress in a schedule, volunteering can help mental health by making sure students are staying in touch with other people. It would also give a more informed understanding of others’ needs.
Another method is to sponsor a drive for items that people may need. For example, Mock Trial and the Social Studies Honor Society are collecting items for Children of Incarcerated Parents. They need soap, toothpaste, diapers, shampoo, toothbrushes, wipes, baby shampoo, band-aids, toilet paper, lotion, conditioner, feminine products, tissues, deodorant and much more.