Slow start to Chromebook distribution
Senior Rachel Freeman uses her Chromebook in PREP.
September 11, 2018
The week before and throughout the first week of school, students had the option to rent a Chromebook and pick it up in the Learning Commons. The purpose of the Chromebook is so students can take notes, do assignments, access learning applications and catch up on work during PREP or any free time they have. However, the distribution of the Chromebooks has been slower than expected.
Media Specialist Marsha Thompson reported that as of the end of the first school week, 759 Chromebooks out of 1335 had been distributed.
“Having a Chromebook has helped me complete my assignments on time as well as helped me keep track of what I need to do. I believe that it is a vital part of my success in all of my classes,” said Devin Wynne, Class of 2020 member.
Chromebooks are available if the student pays the $60 technology fee, which covers the entire school year fee. Students also have the option to bring in their own devices such as tablets, laptops, or Chromebooks to use. This is even more important as phones are not allowed in the classroom.
The low number distributed may be misleading. Many students may be using their own devices. Students bringing their own device make sure to fill out this form and return it to Ms. Thompson in the Learning Commons.
“Having Chromebooks in the class helps everyone stay organized by being able to post assignments on google classroom and keeping notes in a digital folder,” said history teacher Mrs. Dawn Murphy.