Beaver creates Colonial fair for AP US History

Josh Tidd

Mr. Beaver’s class learns at the Colonial fair.

by Josh Tidd, Reporter

Mr. Janvier Beaver held a Colonial fair for his AP US history class to help his students learn about the original  13 colonies. There were various foods for each colony.  Students created the different stations and walked around sampling foods and learning about the different colonies.

 Beaver said this was a good way for the kids to learn because “moving around and exchanging ideas is a good way to learn and students better learn from each other.”

The students were preparing for a test about this activity. The test will be about the differences and similarities among the colonies.

Junior Hannah Johnson said, “It gives you an idea on how the colonies are different.” Johnson’s group studied New York. She said she was surprised to learn about how diverse  New York was from the other colonies. New York was founded by the Dutch and also had several Native American tribes. Her group brought in New York style cheesecake.