News for May 15, 2018
May 15, 2018
Spring Spirit week continues with today as Concert T-shirt Day with students in all grades showing off their favorite live artists. You can join on on the fun tomorrow with Beach Day, remember that props will not be permitted. The themes for the rest of the week are: Beach Day, College or Sports team Day, and, rounding out the week, Lancer Day.
If you picked up an extra tuxedo jacket at prom, please bring it to Ms. Larson in Student Services. It needs to be returned to the correct person.
Marching Band and Color Guard members, There will be a new member orientation meeting Today , May 15 from 5:30 – 8:00 pm in the band room. Current band and guard members with younger brothers and sisters coming into the program are asked to remind them of this meeting.The first rehearsal for this fall’s full marching band and color guard will be held this Thursday, May 17 from 5:30-8:00 pm, and will begin in the the theater.See Mr. Lloyd with any questions.
Seniors, Friday, May 18, is the application deadline for LHS students to apply for the Ken Doyle Memorial Scholarship from The LHS Sports Boosters.If you are a Senior and participated on a Varsity Team Sport you are eligible to apply for a $1000 Scholarship. Two scholarships will be awarded. For an application, visit the link below in naviance. Make sure you turn your application into student services by Friday, May 18. The award winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 29, at Senior Salute.
Yearbooks Are Coming! If you are a senior, you will receive your pre-ordered yearbook during the Senior Picnic, May 17. Extras will be on sale for $85.00 CASH ONLY for seniors to purchase. If seniors will not be attending the picnic to pick up or buy a yearbook please see Mrs. Bozzonetti in room A206 AFTER May 17.
If you had computer graphics or digital photo 1 last semester see Mrs. Bozzonetti in room A206 to pick up your artwork that was in the art show.
On June 16th and June 18th, Megan Reesman is hosting her Gold Award Event, “Supporting our Veterans.” Teen helpers are needed and can earn 3 to 15 community service hours. If you’re interested or have any questions, please contact Megan at (301) 641-6143 or You can also pick up a registration form in Mr. Stair’s room (C123), Mr. Snow’s room (C227), or Ms. Karlen’s room (C219).