Drama Club travels to the Big Apple: Photo of the Day 4/9/18

Mackenzie Berry

Drama students learn a song and dance from the show titled, “We Dance” led by Broadway actress Simone.

by Mackenzie Berry, Reporter

On Saturday, April 7th, the Drama Club, accompanied by parent chaperones and Mrs. Angela Smithhisler and Mr. Damon Norko, awoke at the crack of dawn and traveled to New York City for a day trip. The group was able to witness a Broadway show, participate in a workshop with a Broadway actress and, go sightseeing throughout the city.

The group was able to see the revival of Once on this Island  starring Hailey Kilgore and Issac Powell. The musical follows the story of a young girl named Ti Moune in search of her place in the world, fighting for love with a boy she is forbidden from contacting. Throughout the show she is guided by four gods, Erzulie (Lea Salonga), Asaka (Alex Newell), Agwe (Quentin Earl Darrington), and Papa Ge (Tamyra Gray). The bright colors and magnificent vocals kept the audience on the edge of their seats and resulted in a standing ovation.

At the end of the show, the group was able to stay and talk with a few members of the cast about the show and how it all came to life. Everyone enjoyed the interesting information and the opportunity to speak to Broadway actors behind the scenes.

The students were also fortunate to be able to participate in a workshop led by a Broadway actress who is one of the swings in the production. The students learned one of the show’s songs and dances titled “We Dance” and were able to ask Simone many questions, including how she goes through the audition process, the work schedule of a Broadway actor, and her favorite musicals.

Towards the end of the day, after the show and workshop concluded, the students were given a few hours to enjoy the city. They were fascinated by all of the large buildings, marquees, and stores, including the Disney Store and M&M World, and restaurants.

The group arrived back at Linganore around midnight.

“The show was iconic,” said Class of 2021 member Josh Todd. “It was the most fabulous adventure I’ve ever been on.”