Windsor Knolls performs Mulan, Jr. for big crowds: Photo of the day: 2/26/18
The Mulan Jr. cast poses for a photo at the end of their last show
February 26, 2018
Windsor Knolls Middle School took on another fairy tale classic this year for their spring show. On Sunday, February 26th, WKMS showcased their third and final performance of Disney’s Mulan Jr. Three months in production, this show was a spectacle for anybody who came to view it. All three shows were close to sold out.
If the costuming wasn’t enough to captivate the audience, the vocal talent showcased was sure to. Class of 2022 member Daniel Etherton who played Fa Zhou (Mulan’s father) said that his favorite part of the show was the singing of his co-star, Ellie Field (Mulan), in the song “Reflections.”
He said, “The song was not only very professionally done, but it always sounded excellent. It was very advanced for a middle school production.”
Etherton said, “I felt like [this] production exemplified excellent time management. There was lots of multitasking… we had different groups of people training at different times, which, believe it or not, really helped to bring the whole thing together.”
Class of 2019 and WKMS graduate Maggie Clugston was a stage hand in two productions. Comparing Mulan to last year’s Into the Woods, Clugston said “The show this year seemed much more organized. Thematically, they couldn’t be more different. I think that it was a good path for them to go down.”
Maggie hopes to encourage 8th graders coming to LHS next year to join the LHS theater program.
She said, “it doesn’t matter what role you have; if you have a good attitude and an open heart, you feel like the luckiest person in the world to have been welcomed into the LHS drama department.”
Clugston will be in the Footloose musical in April 2018.