NEHS hates 10 things, but movie night is not one of them: Photo of the Day 1/20/17
NEHS students watch the movie 10 Things I Hate About You.
January 21, 2017
On January 19th, the NEHS held their annual movie night.
This year they took a poll and chose the teen classic, 10 Things I Hate About You.
Class of 2017 member and club office, Sydney Rossman, was in charge of the event.
“I can say that it was a very successful night. Everyone seemed to enjoy the movie,” said Rossman. About 35 members and their guests attended.
Along with the movie, students ate pizza and popcorn. They also played Kahoot and answered questions based on the movie they watched. Gabby Wolfe, Megan Wilhelm, and Taylor Rutley won the Amazon gift card door prizes.
One of the questions that was asked in the game was “What kind of accent does Patrick Verona have?” and the answer was “Australian.”
To learn more about the NEHS and membership requirements, click here.