Fort Detrick internship applications now available

by Lancer Media Staff

The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Ft. Detrick is now accepting applications for scientific interns. This exciting program requires a full 12-month commitment (June, 2015 – May 2016).

To apply, students must be juniors, at least 17 years old before June 22, 2015, and a U.S. citizen. There is no exception to these requirements. The unweighted GPA requirement is at least 3.0.

These challenging internships offer weighted high school credit.

Click here for the application packet or stop by C103 for a paper version. More details about the program are included in the application packet. Completed applications are due to Ms. Radil-Harris in C103 by January 28.


Click here to download the application packet.