Freshman and sophomore classes tie for first place in banner competition

Every year there is a class banner competition, where the classes decorate a sheet to match the theme of Homecoming.

This year’s theme was “Lucky 13”, and the classes decorated their banners in several unique ways.


Freshman banner, featuring a ‘lucky duck’


Class of 2016 banner. Features a rainbow, pot of gold, and “Lucky to be a Lancer”


The Class of 2015’s banner, “Land of the Lancers”


The seniors’ banner.


The banners were judged Wednesday. First place went to the Class of 2017 AND the Class of 2016 in a tie. The class of 2015 won second place.

Points will be awarded to the classes depending on their placement. The points will accumulate towards the class’ total for Homecoming week. Points are awarded for spirit days and other competitions throughout the week. The class that accumulates the most points will be awarded the spirit stick on Friday, will be dubbed the most spirited class at LHS, and will win $400 to the class treasury.