The student news site of Linganore High School

Brayden Gregory

Ethan Crabb signed his National Letter of Intent to continue playing Golf at McDaniel College.

#NationalSigningDay2022: Ethan Crabb lands a spot on the McDaniel golf team

On February 2, 2022 Ethan Crabb signed his National Letter of Intent to McDaniel College to play golf.

Inspired by lessons from his grandfather, Crabb has been playing golf for 15 years.

Crabb knew he wanted to play college golf.

“The Linganore golf team really convinced me to play in college. I have also had a lot of motivation from my golf coach, and my dad,” Crabb said.

In his senior year, he finished with a 76 on day one of states and a 79 on day two.

“finishing 19th for states, multiple runner ups, multiple counties, and was the runner up for district championship,” Crabb’s coach Blaine Smith said.

“He started out freshman year with seven matches and by sophomore year he scored a 74, the distance to propel his team to the first ever Linganore golf team runner up in the state championship.”

Crabb is the first Linganore golf player ever to place top ten in history of the program and top six in his sophomore year. 

Crabb’s biggest supporter is his father, John Crabb.

“He’s been with me the whole way, and he is unbelievably supportive, and helps a lot with my mental game. I don’t know what I would do without him,” Crabb said.

“I’m excited for him to experience college life but sad that he is moving away, even if it is not too far,” said Mr. Crabb.

Ethan Swings and swings the golf club, and hits the ball towards the cup. (Courtesy of John Crabb)

Recruitment for Crabb was a long process of talking and getting to know his coach as well as his coach getting to know him. 

“I contacted Coach Moyer back in November of 2020. Then he started inviting me to campus and to golf tournaments for the team. It’s been great, and I’m glad it all worked out,” Crabb said.

His parents were involved during recruitment.

“We helped with support and strategy, but Ethan did all the work. There is a lot that goes into the recruitment process, having to manage school, sports, and injury made for a stressful year,” his parents Mr. Crabb and Mrs. Jennifer Crabb said.

Crabb is nervous to play on a college level, but for different reasons.

“I have been playing at high level golf tournaments for over twelve years now, so I’m very used to the pressure. I also started in all of the big tournaments in high school including states, so I learned ways to handle it. The thing I am actually the most nervous about, is that what I have at Linganore can’t be replaced by McDaniel.”

McDaniel College seems like the perfect school for Crabb.

“I really love how close and how small it is. It’s just a great atmosphere, and it’s very person to person, which I think is great for learning,” Crabb said.

“I would not want to go to one of those big schools with 300+ per class. I also obviously love the golf team and everyone who is a part of it.”

Crabb had other college options to choose from and had narrowed it down to McDaniel, University of Lynchburg, IUP, Bridgewater College, or Hood.

“McDaniel was much more involved with my goals, so it was a clear choice. I also made friends with the team really quickly at McDaniel,” Crabb said.

They are really competitive and have a well structured team, with committed athletes. They all are a big family too, and I’m excited to be a part of it. The McDaniel campus is really great, too. I love smaller schools, and it’s just local enough to where I can come home for a bit each semester. “

Ethan in mid-swing. (Courtesy of John Crabb)

Crabb plans to to major in business administration with a focus on finance.

“Math has always been my favorite, and finances just work really well in my head. I am currently doing an internship at my uncle’s financial advisory firm, with the goal of confirming this is what I wanted to study in college, and so far, it is going really well,” Crabb said. “I hope to be a financial advisor of some sort, or take over my uncle’s company.”

Crabb hopes to manage both academics and athletics as well as he is doing now. Crabb has a 4.6 weighted GPA.

“I am going to the course in-season five times a week and working out on the off days. It’s a lot to keep straight, but I’ve been pretty good with keeping track of my work over the last four years. I’m confident I’ll be able to do it,” Crabb said.”

Outside of school he spends his time as a spokesman for Johns Hopkins Children with Food Allergies.

Even when Crabb was battling injuries during the season he never missed a practice and spent his time teaching kids how to play.

“I think that the golf team at McDaniel College is better off with him,” Coach Smith said.

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