Mrs. Dillion’s fourth period forensics class
Class of 2020: Forensic Science Class gets a bloody reminder that there are only 6 days left
Mrs. Jessica Baker’s forensic science class got a bloody reminder that there is only 6 days left for the seniors. Out of Mrs. Baker’s 120 students, 82 are leaving in just six days.
Mrs. Baker has been setting up crime scenes and bloody messes for the seniors to find all year for her class, but the seniors are extremely excited about this one. With less than a week of school, left the seniors are giddy about getting ready to leave.
“Its going to be sad that the seniors are leaving. I’m losing more than half of my students,” said Baker.
Forensics science is a new class this year, and Mrs. Baker has taken full advantage of what it has to offer. Students learn through labs, crime scenes, online games, notes, and movies.
At the end of each unit, the students have a written exam and a practical exam. The written exam is like any other test you take in any other class, but the practical exam is very different. The practical exam requires students to figure out a crime. Some of the crimes are put together by fellow students; while others Mrs. Baker makes.
The class teaches students about hair, blood, bones, drugs, guns, bite marks, DNA, toxicology, odontology, handwriting, weapons, fingerprints, evidence, and serial killers.