The student news site of Linganore High School

Victoria Rock

Welcome to LHS: Kolias dips into teaching in Maryland after career in Ohio

A Dilly Dipper is someone who works at Dairy Queen who dips the ice cream in chocolate.  Mrs. Patricia Kolias, new English teacher, was once a Dairy Queen employee and bring much of her Ohio upbringing to the classroom.

Kolias lived in Ohio and taught for 9 years at Canton McKinley High School before she applied to FCPS. She had heard great things about the staff and students here at Linganore, and is looking forward to getting to know the students and community and build long-lasting relationships.

On her first day of student teaching, she knew that education was her calling. After switching from job to job, she realized that she never wanted to leave school, or teaching.

Kolias’ first seven jobs included: babysitting, dilly dipping, working at a pet store, tutoring, caregiving, Macy’s, and a local radio station.  

Her first career was as a journalist.  She moved into marketing for a newspaper before deciding to earn an additional degree in education.  Kolias said, “I would be a reporter for electronic media to restore dignity, truth, and non-bias to the media if I couldn’t be a teacher.”

In high school, she says she got along with everyone and was the editor of her school newspaper. Being editor gave her a chance to interview and get to know all of the students and staff in her school.

Atticus Finch, from her favorite novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, is the character she would use to describe her personality. She believes everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, and that we should all be kind and get along with one another.

“I believe that you shouldn’t judge a person until you’ve crawled into their skin and walked around in it for a while,” Kolias added.

If Kolias could be any animal, she would be a giraffe because she’s short and they’re tall. They’re also friendly, and docile. If you ever had to bribe her, make sure to use licorice or PayDay candy bars.

Kolias is proud of her Greek heritage and large extended family. Cooking is a way of life, especially baking.  She has two children.  Her son is a competitive swimmer.

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