The student news site of Linganore High School

courtesy of Samira Diggs

Welcome To LHS: D.C’s Diggs brings life experience to social studies

This story is part of Lancer Media’s fall series welcoming new staff.  We enjoyed learning about many teachers but apologize that we were unable to cover every new teacher.  

She obsesses over Pretty Little Liars, lives for trips to the movie theater, and only wants the chewiest, gooiest chocolate chip cookies. Interestingly enough, she is not a student; she is Mrs. Samira Diggs, the newest American Studies II and AP Psychology teacher.

Diggs is one of 10 new teachers joining the staff. This summer, she moved with her husband from Washington, D.C. Among her many jobs, she was a D.C. tour guide; although she never met the city’s biggest attraction, President Obama. However, Diggs did see Obama speak.

She saw politics at work. “I did see a lot of interesting protests,” she said.

The move from Washington, D.C. was nothing new for Diggs since she has traveled throughout her life. She was born and raised in South Dakota, home to the famous monument, Mount Rushmore, and monument-in-progress, Crazy Horse in the Black Hills region.  It’s her favorite area of South Dakota.

Before coming to Linganore, Diggs taught in our nation’s capital and in Virginia for a total of five years. She taught World History and AP Comparative Government. “It is a course where we look at different government systems around the world and compare them to each other,” said Diggs.

Diggs had never taught psychology or United States history, so she has relied on her fellow co workers to guide and mentor her. “Mr. Darren Hornbeck has been a real centering figure, and Mr. Aaron Burch kind of helps out with everything,” said Diggs. Diggs also thanks Mr. James Hines and Mr. Jeb Beaver for their help in regard to the American Studies II class that the three will teach this year.

She believes that life gets better and better with each year. “But my years at Georgetown were fun,” said Diggs. She attended Georgetown University for graduate school to receive a Master’s degree in Conflict Resolution. Before Georgetown, she graduated Duke University with a degree in Public Policy and Religion.

She had plans to go into peace work abroad, but after taking a gap year to volunteer in Connecticut, she realized it wasn’t her calling.It wasn’t until she got a push from her older sister that she returned to school to pursue teaching.

She prefers her new job as a teacher because, “I knew I couldn’t sit at a desk,” said Diggs.

Diggs surely is a kid at heart; you can bribe her with any candy. Her favorites include any chocolate, Smarties, and M&Ms. “I have Tootsie pops in my drawer right now,” said Diggs.

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