Seniors Madi Davies, Laura Glawe, Sarah Roerty, Emma Roerty and Lindsay Knovesal pose before practice.
Class of 2016: Lacrosse Celebrates 35 days left
Seniors Laura Glawe, Sarah Roerty, Emma Roerty, Lindsay Novesal, Kylie Cross and Madi Davies are all members of the girls varsity lacrosse team. The excitement of the end of their high school career as student athletes is coming to an end. They are all excited and anxious to move onto what their futures will bring to them.
Laura Glawe is the goalie for the varsity team and she is heading to Slippery Rock University next year to continue playing lacrosse. She says that her favorite part of being at Linganore is “the sense of community we have here.”
Emma Roerty is heading to United States Military Academy, other wise known as West Point, to continue playing lacrosse. Emma says Linganore “is a good place to learn and do other things, its not just going to school everyday, it’s the culture that is here and the way everyone treats each other. ” Emma’s twin sister, Sarah Roerty is headed to Stevenson University.
“The friends that I’ve made and all of the opportunities that I’ve been given here,” says Davies when thinking of her favorite part about her high school career at Linganore.
Seniors are getting closer and closer until the day they can say they are no longer a high school student. Only 35 more days to go.