Conner Cunnane
Conner Cunnane will be attending Townson Univierty and will be majoring in computer science. He is very involved in activities including SGA, dual enrollment, varsity swim team, cross country, and Boy Scouts of America.
What has been your favorite memory at Linganore?
“My favorite memory was the experience being crowned Homecoming King.”
What are you going to miss most after graduating?
“Times talking to people I know after I graduate. I am always willing to find new friends in college, though, and be welcomed into a supportive community.”
Do you feel pressure to have your future be decided already?
“I am already planning to major in computer science and will potentially head into the entertainment industry with it.”
What is the most challenging task as a senior?
“The most challenging task as a senior is applications and dual enrollment classes. I also need time to focus on other things as well and have time when I need a breather, so having so much on my plate means time is everything.”
What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?
“Two words: get involved! Sign up for clubs that interest you, and don’t be afraid to sign up for things like student government so you can stay up to date on what is happening with school.”
Where do you imagine yourself 10 years from now?
“I plan to work in the entertainment industry with a computer science major with gaming, audio production, video making, and more.”
What was the most meaningful assignment a teacher ever had you do?
The most meaningful assignment was my podcast assignment in English 101. It was a very fun assignment that was the final project in that course. Even though times were tough as I was also dealing with something personal, I stayed in touch with my instructor so I could receive full credit on the assignment.
When you look back on this school in later years, what will you remember most?
“I want my future self to remember the legacy I had with spreading enthusiasm throughout high school and my involvement there. It’s been a great ride in high school and I hope to remember it in the future.”