Lancer Media
Emily Lotito will be attending Oswego State University in New York. She will be swimming for the NCAA Divison III Lakers, with a specialty in breaststroke and distance events. She plans to major in political science in hopes of joining the CIA or FBI.
She is a member of the Lancer swim team, Monocacy Aquatic Club, Youth Group, and is Co-Editor-in Chief for Lancer Media. Lotito had over 30 offers to sign for swim before she chose Oswego.
What has been your favorite memory at Linganore?
“My favorite memory was at the county champion swim meet my freshman year. All the girls were cheering each other on and singing Taylor Swift on the bus with Hawkins.”
What are you going to miss most after graduating?
“Mostly seeing everyone in the halls. I’ve been walking with my friends in the morning since freshman year.”
Do you feel pressure to have your future be decided already?
“No, I’ve been planning my future since middle school. I always switched what I wanted to be or major in but I found something I enjoy and know what path I want to take now.”
Best High School memory?
“Winning Best of Sno for the first time. I love writing and I was so excited when one of my articles was picked for the award.”
What is the most challenging task as a senior?
“Figuring out what you want to do in college. For the longest time this year, I thought I would study chemistry and become a genetic counselor. But after taking the 9/11 class with Mr. Hornbeck, I found I wanted to study political science.”
What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?
“Be yourself; everyone is trying to fit in, too, and being yourself will lead you to lifelong friendships.”
Where do you imagine yourself 10 years from now?
“I see myself living near the beach or in Georgetown working with some government agency with a high clearance–like that super cool cop or agent on all the crime shows.”
What was the most meaningful assignment a teacher ever had you do?
“Probably in Mr. Norko’s class where we have to write any narrative assignment. I enjoy the creativity of the assignments and how I can express my thoughts and opinions with a guided topic to write on.”
When you look back on this school in later years, what will you remember most?
“I’ll remember the teachers: Most of the teachers I’ve had were amazing and wish I could take more of their classes. I’ll remember the football games and the wacky spirit weeks we’ve done–and the Mr. Linganore competition.”