The NFL MVP race is currently neck and neck between Patrick Mahomes, and Aaron Rodgers. For the most part, these are the only two logical picks at this point in the season.
For most of the season, Pat Mahomes was the front runner, but it appears that Aaron Rodgers has caught up. Before these two were major contenders, the top pick for MVP was Russel Wilson.
Russel Wilson had caught my eyes earlier in the season; however, now going into the playoffs, my number one choice is Aaron Rodgers.
The reason I choose Aaron Rodgers over Mahomes is because of the fact that his stats are simply better. In relation to Patrick Mahomes, Aaron Rodgers has 10 more completed touchdowns, 1 less interception, 7% higher completion percentage, and a better passer rating by 24.4.
These fantastic numbers that Aaron Rodgers is causing many professionals in the sports journalism world to say that he is the obvious choice.
The only thing that Patrick has him beat in is passing yards, which is one of the only things that is keeping his case alive.
In the weeks 2-10, Russel Wilson was for sure in the lead but he has blown this lead since then. This lead was really blown in weeks 5 and 7 though, as he threw 3 interceptions each week.
Some may argue that Derrick Henry is a contender for the title, but with the numbers that Aaron Rodgers has put up recently, the only other half possible contender is Patrick Mahomes. Derrick Henry had a chance up until week 16, where he only rushed for 98 yards.