Between band camp, running through shows, extra long practices, and Friday night football games. The Linganore Marching Band and Color Guard march to the tune of their own drums (and other instruments).
This year the band is presenting “Cinematic,” which encompasses movie elements such as the Spider-man flags shown above, sounds from famous movie introductions, and movie backdrops used in halftime performances.
“Cinematic’ has become one of my favorite shows that we’ve done in my past four years in the band. I feel like it’s one of the most artistic shows we’ve done, with a lot of different styles of music that tie the theme together,” said baritone player Mary Bailey.
The entire “Cinematic” experience is entirely special this year, for it is the first grand show the band has been able to perform in two years.
In previous years the band has produced shows such as Giant Leap, NYC, and One Tribe. Last year their hopes for producing a show were crushed due to the pandemic. This year however, the band can return to performing full length shows for all to enjoy.
“I think that the marching band is going to be really good this year. Everything from our ‘Cinematic’ concept to our unique ideas has put us here today. Our skills are ever improving and we’re getting close to the point in the season where everyone has more confidence. We are always trying to get better as we go along, but there is a newfound confidence in students that helps create a positive and safe atmosphere,” said senior drum major Emily Watson.
This community of students, parents, teachers, and volunteers works countless hours to make sure that every aspect of the band is running smoothly.
The band placed second in their first non-exhibition competition which was “Knight of Reckoning” at Century High School. Their competition was through the Maryland Marching Band Association (MMBA), and their season will last through the beginning of November.
Follow the bands “Cinematic” journey on their website to see the latest pictures, updates, upcoming performances, and ways to support them!