The International Thespian Society is looking for new officers for the 2019-2020 school year. You are eligible to apply if you have already been inducted, or will be inducted this May. Applications are outside of D101, and are due back to Mrs. Smithhisler by this Friday.
–SGA Announcement Video–
The 29th Annual LHS Art Show will be held tomorrow through the end of the week along Main St. The National Art Honor Induction ceremony and opening reception will be held TOMORROW from 5:30 – 7 in the cafeteria.
The NHS is raffling themed baskets to raise funds for the Patty Pollatos Fund that supports community members in need of assistance. Baskets are located in the glass display case under the steps on main street. Today is the last day to get tickets as the winners will be drawn tomorrow! Tickets are available before school on main street and after school in Mrs. Ecalono’s room C121.
Juniors Requesting Work-Study for next year: You will need to attend a required meeting during PREP TODAY in the Cafeteria to learn about the application process for Work-Study.