courtesy of Denise Constantine
Dance class students perform "Good Vibrations" at the All-County Dance Showcase.
On May 5, 2018, the dance class performed at the annual All-County Dance Showcase at Thomas Johnson High School.
The Urbana Dance Program, TJ Dance Program and the Academy for Fine Arts all performed at the showcase for a total of 12 dances.
Our dancers performed four dances, each one choreographed by a student choreographer. The dances performed included:
“Good Vibrations” choreographed by Kelsey Ward. Performed by: Kelsey Ward, Katie Constantine, Ani Boghossian-James, Maggie Adams, Solana Rios, Uriah Roman, Taylor Mitcham, Ally Duda, Kayla Buratowski, Riley Johnston, Kyla Duncan, Izzy Thomas, Vicky Suggs, Hannah Chenault, Cassidee Grunswald, Sam Iorio, and Kelly Stouffer
“To This Day” choreographed by Sam Iorio. Performed by: Maggie Adams, Riley Johnston, Kelsey Ward, Sam Iorio, Taylor Mitcham, Kayla Buratowski, Solana Rios, and Kelly Stouffer.
“The Boy Who Cried Wolf” choreographed by Kelly Stouffer. Performed by: Vicky Suggs, Izzy Thomas, Kyla Duncan, Cassiddee Grunswald, and Hannah Chenault.
“Ape Drums” choreographed by Uriah Roman. Performed by: Uriah Roman, Ani Boghossian-James, Solana Rios, Taylor Mitcham, Sam Iorio, and Riley Johnston.
“The dance showcase went really well. It is so much getting to perform with everyone because our class is like one big family,” said Roman.
The dancers will be performing 20 more dances at their annual showcase on May 21, 2018. The theme for the showcase is “Emotions,” so each dance is centered around a different emotion.
Come out to support our dancers and enjoy a great show on May 21 at 7:00 pm in the auditorium!